Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Day to blog

I've been trying to find  a way to stay motivated to work out, eat right and all of that stuff. I read on some site that I should start a blog. This way, I am accountable to at least my blog. So, I will try. OK, so I won't yet say exactly how horrible my weight is, but let's just say that it's bad. Over the past 2 years, I just let myself get out of hand.  Call it denial, laziness, all of the above. I had 3 miscarriages in about 13 months. Each time, I gained a few pounds and didn't bother to lose them before getting pregnant again. Mistake. Well, then finally had a sticky little guy and Nathan was born in July. Love him. Gained about 23 pounds with him. As of now, 7 weeks and 4 days later, I am down 19 of those pounds. Ultimately, I want to get down to my high school weight. So, that's about 57 pounds from where I am now. 57, 57, 57- wow- that is a lot. So, baby steps. I first want to lose 10 pounds to get into my clothes. We will go from there. I use to exercise- walk, aerobics, whatever. Not any more. I say I don't have time- to a point, I don't. My days consist of getting up and dressed, taking Paul to meet his carpool, taking Alex to school, then going into BR to get PT. Then, back home to get some work done. Or, running around town getting work done or just errands ran. By the time I get home it's around noon. I eat, give Nate his bottle and then sit with him for a little while. I then try to get something done around the house if Nate will let me. If not, I get on the computer and work on school stuff. Yep, I have a work at home job that is full time, I keep Nate at home and I attend school- 9 hours worth all online. It's not as easy as I thought it was. I am exhausted at all times, too. I know exercising will help that, though. But, I am a morning person, so I think that I need to exercise in the mornings. But, I'll do it whenever I can I guess. 
 I really want to do this though. I want to look good again. To not be tired all the time. To have my husband think I'm beautiful again. Not that he doesn't love me the way I am, but I know he'd love to have "me" back. And I want to be back. It's just so very hard- duh, huh? So, I've been looking at the Couch to 5 K program. I see people who run and they are all thin. Maybe I can do that. I have never been a runner, ever. But, everyone says how it makes them feel wonderful, so I could try it at least. I will at the very least walk. I had the Kathy Smith Walk Fit program and did great on it years ago. I just need to do that again. I'll see if I can find it or download it. 
So, tomorrow is Sunday, August 31st. I want to get up and walk in the morning. And do the first day of the C25K stuff. I'll try to let you know how I do.
Nate's hungry now, so off I go to fix his bottle. 


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