Saturday, April 3, 2010

Yesterday, Alex and I colored Easter Eggs. I swear that child bugged me to do this for 3 days at least. And then, he had to get it done in five minutes because he has no patience to let them sit and get pretty. So, 2 dozen Easter eggs took about 15 minutes to color! Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. While they were drying, Nathan and Alex played with the plastic ones Nate got at school. It was too cute seeing Nate toddle around picking up eggs. Of course, he kept breaking the plastic ones, but that's a toddler. Once a few of the real eggs dried, we wanted to see how he'd do with those. Should have known, he threw them like balls! We went back to plastic with him.

Last night on P90X was Legs and Back(or maybe chest) and then Ab Ripper X again. When we did the Ab Ripper the other night, I felt like I didn't do as much as I should have done and really waned to try harder this time. So, the Legs part wasn't too bad. Of course, there were parts that were harder than others, and I couldn't do everything to the max like them, but I know I'll get there. The other part was all pull ups. I can't even do part of one pull up, so I just got my weights and pushed them up from my shoulders. Paul did great on the pull ups. He was upset that he couldn't do a ton, but he still did great. By the end, he was doing about 10 a set- I think that's awesome! We are going to get some bands so I can do the modified pull ups with those. OK, then to Ab Ripper X! I think I did great!! Of course there were some I couldn't do still, but that had more to do with this tailbone I cracked many years ago. I just can't rock on that tailbone without major pain. I tried to stack a blanket under me in addition to my mat, but it didn't help much. I am hoping that I'll either get used to it or build up the tolerance for those moves? But, I did great on most everything else. I really worked hard and fought through most of the exercises to the end. YAY!! I'm not too sore this morning, just a bit. My back is a bit sore- but that's why I need to work my abs and core, to strengthen that. Overall, a great workout. My heart monitor said I burned 330 calories. I'm happy with that.

So, today I have to try to go find a Barney stuffed doll for Nathan. He is obsessed with Barney, so I want to give him one for Easter. I can only see that Toy-r-us carries them. I hope the store in BR has one!

OK, off to check my AC stats and see if any of my new stuff has been accepted yet.

See ya real soon!

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